Jantien Kahn 2024

Blog 2 – Mirage

January 4th, 2024


The series of sculptures named ‘mirage’ (consisting of 6 sculptures) is based on the idea of stepping towards a point on the horizon that – like a mirage – is not yet clearly visible. Making the movement, without having completely mapped out the path. Like walking with a compass. The truth is that I don’t know how to find my way on a compass and even with a map in my hand I get lost. For finding my destination in everyday life there are various sources available, but how do I find direction when I’m sculpting? How do I find my way in stone?

‘How do you know in advance that ‘this’, this shape and also colors or structures of the material, is present in the stone?’, is a question that many people ask me when they look at my sculptures. In an attempt to answer that question, I then explain how I view and tap the stone when selecting my material. But perhaps the essence is that I make connection.

At the start of each new sculpture I enter unexplored territory. By connecting my idea, what I want to express, with the raw material, it is as if I am stretching a long line, like plotting the course on a compass. This way I can work in a discovering and investigative manner without losing sight of the direction. Every new sculpture, perhaps every movement, starts with that connection. By saying ‘Yes’, without being able to see exactly what it is I am moving towards.

This year I will move into new directions  and make sculptures for which the ideas are already present. I look forward to meeting you along the way or upon arrival, by my sculptures.